Thursday, December 4, 2008

the End

I am constantly updating my treehouse plans...

I have never worked with Linux myself, but having lived long term with people who did, I got a pretty hardy laugh from this one.

Just fucking funny.

Another one that I love.

Americans...always escaping to Canada when the going gets tough.

All Cartoons Provided By

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The end is in sight

It's the end of the semester and I'm getting sick. Finals are right around the corner and I'm getting sick. I havent spent a lot of time in the lab lately and I have extreme guilt issues with that. I promise myself that I will spend all day Friday and some Saturday in the lab. BLOG BLOG BLOG.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Dolphin

"A new, third species of bottlenose dolphin has been discovered in the waters off southern Australia. It is only the second new dolphin to be discovered in 50 years."


With Obama standing for combating and reversing global warming, we stood by his side, and we confirmed our loyalty with our vote. And to continue to prove our loyalty what should we do? Write our congressperson? Stay abreast of current events? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? NO!!! Buy the Special Edition Obama Plate. Yes that's right for a limited time only you can purchase this wonderful object for your kitchen wall, for your office, or for the lobby in your business. Help support 3rd world countries by making this purchase. We paid impoverished persons a penny a day to use toxic paints ,with little to no protection, to capture Obama's sleek jawline, and now you can bring that priceless quality into your home.


Friday, November 21, 2008

living mammoth

So it is being claimed that they can "regenerate" an extinct mammoth from a tuft of hair. These sort of claims always seem a little far fetched for me. How do they complete the rest of the DNA from just a tiny tuft of hair. It makes me curious and skeptical to hear such statements. Just because you publish in the NY times doesnt make it the truth.

And it always seems to be the case with these sorts of things...I know that we can, but should we?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Beach Clean Up

I went to a beach clean up today. I had the most wonderful time. We cleaned for about 4 hours then lunched and went home. We built a fire and played soccer. We had a really good time and we were able to get 5 truck loads of trash out of there. Which is surprising because we didnt really cover much ground or have a lot of people. Most of the trash was probably left with the last hurrican, and was not the direct fault of humans. I strongly reccomend a good beach clean up for anyone wanting a reason to go to the island. the local parks and wildlife gave us the bags and gloves and we provided our own trucks to haul the trash out of there. Good times.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

my memories?

Why do we have memories? Why do we store and organize memories from our past, those that seem purely sentimental and those that have logical rational reasoning(like that time I learned not to touch fire)? I wonder this now because in my physiological psychology class we are going over memory. And one of the main things he mentioned was that there was no where in the brain that specifically stores memory, so where is it all? I know that the hippocampus is involved with consolidation but after that where and why. This is what I've been researching in my spare time. which me luck.